John delivering his thesis in the SVA Theatre in NYC.

There and Never Back again - MFA Thesis

Industrial Design & Research | MFA Thesis ❧
During the final year at MFA PoD, I created a body of work exploring the future of design within human spaceflight. This year-long exploration in design, coupled with a heavy amount of primary and secondary research, allowed me to immerse myself in a world I had previously only been adjacent to.

There and Never Back Again: Design in the Next Age of Space Exploration is the title of my thesis body of work, which focused on the role consumer products will take in both helping humanity become a multiplanetary species and in the future once that has already happened. This creative exercise in futuring products for future Martian settlers allowed me to make physical my ideas for what astronauts (both professional and civilian) will need to be happy, healthy, and successful on a planet they are not adapted to. Told through the presentation and Q&A below, I lay out highlights from my year looking up and out into the futures.
Industrial Design, Design Research, Speculative Futuring, Presentation Design, Information Design

SVA MFA Products of Design

Thesis Advisors
Allan Chochinov
Andrew Schloss
Jennifer Rittner

May, 2019
2019 MFA Thesis Presentation
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